
05 June 2008

Clashing Culture: an interesting new conversation

I would bet that many of you have explored Thomas Robey's excellent blog, Hope for Pandora, focused on medicine, science and religion. Apparently bored by the routine of learning (and assisting in) life-saving medical procedures and reflecting on how such events are tied to moral and social debates in this country, Thomas has launched a new blogging community, Clashing Culture (subtitled "Conversations About Science and Faith"), and invited me to be a member. I foolishly agreed. (Foolish because I'm behind on other writing projects, while finally getting active lentiviral vectors in my lab experiments, and still haven't paid off my student loans.)

Thomas describes the endeavor as:
a blogging project where scientists and laymen, Christians and atheists can hold conversations about topics where science and religion converge... My goal is to develop a venue where the authors respect one another but are comfortable laying out their full arguments and critiques.
A worthy goal for sure, and the wonderful Mike from Tangled Up in Blue Guy is already on board, so I agreed to crosspost relevant rants articles from here. Check it out, leave comments, and offer feedback.

1 comment:

  1. Since I'm currently designing an interdisciplinary course on the socio-cultural controversy over biological evolution to be taught in the fall, I'll watch Clashing Cultures with great interest. Thanks for the flag.
