What kind of universe should one expect to see, as a Christian, or as an atheist, or whatever? Is design (conveniently defined by fellows of the Discovery Institute) something that a Christian should
expect to see? That's the question
I ask over at Clashing Culture, reflecting on some of the weird theological claims of some ID proponents (and of Richard Dawkins). Wander over and weigh in.
You can't step outside or look yourself in the face without seeing abundant evidence of design -- but I think perhaps this was not the kind of design you are referring to.
ReplyDeleteOff topic - thanks for the correction on the Darwin quote - I'm tracking down the exact info. before I issue a correction. It appears to be Dawkins 1995 - pg. 195. While the quote is attributed to Darwin at numerous sites, I can't find a single site that points out and corrects the mis-information -- you would think that it would be "out there".
We should expect design - hopefully it will be Spanish Revival. I love stucco.
ReplyDeletePosted by Steve's kid brother.
I think we can expect design, problem is as Stephen has pointed out…we are relying on a man made definition and our ideas about design tend to come from certain disciplines like engineering etc….Has anyone defined design from a christian or biblical perspective? It does appear that God plans, that He measures etc….when I talk to my students about this I tell them that God’s activity as a creator reminds me of a baker….bakers plan ahead, obtain components they want to “create” with…they then semi-purify or purify these components (separation) and then recombine the purified components to make a new recombined entity (differentiation)….this seems to be very similar to the initial primeval creation events which appear to involve separations; light from dark, water from land etc (purification of components) and then differentiation; mixture of dust and water to make life (recombination). Unfortunately I don’t know of any design or creation people who are doing this kind of work. By the way I am one of those neo-creationists that Stephen has referred to in previous blogs. Stephen I enjoy your blogs.