
07 January 2009

Christianity & the Scottish Enlightenment

That's the name of our January term course, a trip to London and Edinburgh to learn about the Scottish Enlightenment and its relationship(s) to Christian belief. We'll be keeping a blog with pictures and reflections. So nothing on QoD till the end of the month.

In the meantime, share Mike Beidler's several minutes of fame. Then maybe read up on experimentally-induced out-of-body experiences. And don't miss Ken Miller's three-part series on the latest crap from the ID movement. And if you live in London or Edinburgh, think about dropping by to say hi. See you in three weeks!


  1. Sounds like a wonderful trip.

  2. I'd almost forgotten that you had mentioned this; have fun!

    (I notice that the website doesn't mention Aberdeen. Will you be able to take a field trip there, or are you already overflowing with things to do?)

  3. Regarding Ken Miller's series, I was just listening to the Scientifc American podcast about the Darwin anniversary today and they have a great discussion of the Dover intelligent design trial at which he testified, along with a guy who does a one man show playing Darwin, of which they play a piece.

    There is a second part too.
