
12 May 2009

Theistic embryology controversy: a developing story

Get it? Heh. Anyway, go to Clashing Culture to see further discussion of the TE test.


  1. Hi Steve, really cool blog, lots of good information on here. I read your series of articles on 'junk DNA' and I found it very interesting.
    However afterwards, I came across a debate on Youtube between Michael Shermer and the 'Reasons To Believe' guys, Rana and Ross. Ross was promulgating several canards (no more speciation etc), they both spoke about the Cambrian explosion and other events as creation events, and Rana made his usual remarks about 'junk DNA'. He then goes on to make a further statement and I've no idea where he's getting it from, he says "somewhere between 1/4 and 1/3 of the genomes of chimps and humans simply can't be matched up, simply can't align." (at around 4:20)
    He essentially accuses the scientific community of overemphasizing the similarities and misleading people. What exactly does he mean by this statement and do you know where he is getting it from?

  2. Re: Your series on junk DNA.
    I recently noticed this being posted on various sites around the net,
