
27 May 2010

Bread and circus: Signature in the Cell at Biola (Part II)

Here are some further observations on the Stephen Meyer book-signing appearance. Part I dealt with Meyer's talk and the other festivities. Here I'll describe the last third of the event, in which Art Hunt and I (the "powerful group of credentialed critics") spent a short time questioning Meyer.

1. Our time was short. The original proposal, some months back, simply mentioned a three-hour event which I pictured as Meyer facing a panel of experts for at least two hours. But the schedule for the evening allotted 70 minutes for "Q&A" from audience members, Twitterers, and the panel. My recollection is that we had a little less than an hour. Fortunately, there was only one question from online that I recall, and (I think) one or two from a single audience member (who was representing the Backyard Skeptics).

2. I started with an introduction in which I noted those things that I would not do, namely:
  • Claim that ID is "religion" or biblical creationism. Noting that I am myself a creationist, by virtue of being a Christian, I referred to the "creationist game" as a waste of time. The movement is overwhelmingly Christian, and almost exclusively creationist, but design ideas and proposals are not specifically or necessarily religious in nature. Moreover, Meyer's claims and ideas are not "religious" in the sense of reasoning from biblical or peculiarly theistic premises.
  • Quibble about whether ID is "science." For one thing, there really isn't a universal definition of what constitutes "science," and a quick Q&A at a publicity event is hardly the place to explore the subtleties of such definitions. But more importantly, I don't see why it matters. Call it "science," call it "philosophy," call it "art." What matters isn't what it's called, but whether it's true. (Or more precisely, whether it offers useful explanation.) Steve Meyer expressed hearty agreement with that point.
  • Bash the idea of design. Design is cool and interesting, but it's not the answer: it's the question. And it's pointless to try to refute the idea of design. It can't be done. (This point came up again later, and ID propagandists have characteristically misrepresented my simple assertion that design is irrefutable. Part III will be wholly devoted to that part of the conversation, and will be followed by an open letter to Steve Meyer in Part IV.)
3. Then Art and I began asking questions that were mostly designed to resemble the kinds of questions that a student would face when defending a thesis or dissertation. We took our questions from Meyer's claims in the book, and I focused on the scientific results of Meyer's ID position, which he lays out in later sections that I have yet to review here.

4. My first question dealt with one of Meyer's twelve "predictions of intelligent design." It's prediction number twelve, at the very end of the book, and it's based on the uninformative work of Doug Axe: "The functional sequences of amino acids within amino acid-sequence space should be extremely rare rather than common." The prediction is vacuous and unrelated to design (that's for another time), but my point was different. I projected an image of a phylogenetic tree, taken from Stephen Jay Gould's Wonderful Life. Then I pointed out that a standard evolutionary account of that tree, whether it's a tree of species or a tree of people or a tree of proteins, makes no prediction about the rarity (or commonness) of function or adaptation within the space that the tree inhabits. In the case of proteins, the branches of the tree are particular proteins, and the proteins are linked to each other by common ancestry. Whether each branch represents a fantastically rare structure that has a function, or just represents one choice among zillions of alternatives, is really not relevant to the question of how the protein's structure came to be. What is relevant is whether the protein's place in sequence space is linked through achievable steps to other points in sequence space. (The whole picture represents sequence space; the explored regions are indicated by the tree, which could be dwarfed by the space, or could nearly fill it, without affecting evolutionary explanation.) In other words, in order to challenge evolutionary explanation, one must demonstrate that proteins are isolated in sequence space, such that there is no stepwise trajectory that can lead from one protein to another. Isolation and rarity are not the same thing. But all Meyer claims (and all Doug Axe has tried to show) is that functional proteins are rare in sequence space.

Meyer's response, paraphrased, was: yes, good point. He claims to have argued elsewhere that functional proteins are indeed isolated in sequence space, but it is certain that he hasn't demonstrated this. He then re-described Axe's work, and re-made the simplistic points about whopping mutations done on crippled proteins. He admitted that it was a mistake to emphasize rarity and not isolation, saying, "I was getting a little tired when I was writing the predictions." In the subsequent discussion, he demonstrated a poor understanding of Axe's experiments, deferring to Axe to explain the implications of his work and expressing doubt and surprise at my claim that Axe made mutations ten at a time in his experiments. (He did. See Art Hunt for a detailed analysis of Axe's experiments and why they don't accomplish what Meyer claims they do.)

There was a certain amount of filibustering in the exchange, and at key points Meyer failed to understand what it would take to show that functional proteins are truly isolated in protein space.

5. My second question, and the interesting discussion that ensued, has been quotemined and sadly misrepresented by Discovery Institute snipers who don't deserve a response much less a link. It's the subject of Part III.

6. My final question was unfortunately a quickie at the end. I pointed to the fact that Meyer claims genomes are "information-dense," that they exhibit "efficient and well-organized packaging of information." (Quoting me there.) But in fact, genomes in the biosphere vary in size over at least five orders of magnitude (I didn't have time to project the figure above, taken from Ryan Gregory's Animal Genome Size Database site), and I noted that the amoeba wonderfully named Chaos chaos has a genome 200 times the size of the human genome. I asked him to make sense of this, and he did the following:
  • He punted to Richard Sternberg, speaking the next day.
  • He pointed to alternative splicing in the human genome, clearly missing the point, which is that the amoeba's genome must contain 200 times the information of the human genome. (For the record, alternative splicing occurs in amoebas too, so that doesn't even matter.)
  • He ignored the question about the amoeba. I think he understood it, but it's hard to tell. In any case, he was saved by the bell.
Like Art, I intended to ask more questions and there were important ones that didn't get asked. I can bring those up as I review the rest of the book. And there were some statements by Meyer that were grossly incorrect that couldn't be challenged without interrupting a mini-speech. I think those claims and concepts will come up in my further posts as well.

It wasn't a nasty debate (or a debate at all), and no one made a fool of himself. Meyer's case is very weak, and he did some things in his talk that I find strongly objectionable. But I found him respectful and reasonable in the Q&A, and would think a lot more highly of him if he didn't direct an obnoxious anti-science organization bent on Culture War and seeking to win at any cost.


  1. Steve, I meant to say this earlier.

    Though most people in the design camp won't admit this, I do sincerely think you were misrepresented on ENV when you were quoted as saying that design is "irrefutable."

    I acknowledge the fact that what you were really saying was that ID is not falsifiable; something entirely different from claiming it is an absolutely correct explanation. While I don't think ID is incapable of being falsified, I certainly do think you've been misrepresented. You probably could've made you're point a little more direct (falsifiable as opposed to "irrefutable"), but I do think you've been the victim of quote-mining. You have my permission to cite me as someone from the ID camp who agrees that your statement was mischaracterized.

    There seems to be some pretty robust discussion on your previous post; I'll check back tomorrow and see if any more replies are made.


  2. Steve, one reason why Meyer doesn't touch the issue of isolation of proteins in sequence space may be because the relevant evidence is phylogenetic in nature - it speaks too clearly to common descent, which Meyer says virtually nothing about in SitC (though what little says speaks volumes).

  3. Jeff, thanks very much for that. I think that fair-minded people who read the whole transcript or (even more so) who watch/listen to the conversation will be dismayed by the dishonesty of its portrayal by the hired guns. I saw a nice paraphrase of my point in the comments on another blog, and thought that the commenter was a lot clearer than I was. It would be fun to discuss these differences in outlook in detail, but it can't happen in an environment of culture war in which anything goes.

    Thanks again. Would you like to pick up on the discussion of Behe's ideas as expressed in his letter to Genetics?

  4. Yes, too bad that everybody has an axe to grind, regardless of which side they're on. Mike Gene seems to be the lone exception.

    It seems the problem isn't just how isolated proteins are, but how isolated protein complexes are. If one molecular machine consists of ten proteins, and another machine consists of twenty proteins that include the original ten, and the other ten can be found individually in other machines, we have demonstrated that the proteins are not isolated. However, it may be that the twenty protein machine is isolated from all other protein complexes.

  5. too bad that everybody has an axe to grind

    Heh, heh. You mean an Axe to grind?

  6. Bilbo: "It seems the problem isn't just how isolated proteins are, but how isolated protein complexes are."

    Likely less so than enzymes themselves. Protein complexes can be created by additive means at the interfaces between proteins (i.e. often on the less constrained, outside surfaces). Take for example, protein kinases which can be very promiscuous in terms of the number of other proteins with which they can associate.

  7. Steve,

    First timer here. I have very much enjoyed the entries regarding DI/Meyer and his book.

    I do have a bit of a concern though. I know that you were not intending to quibble about what science is and is not at a Q&A., but I'm a little troubled that you do not see why it matters.

    I do happen to think that it is an important distinction however.

    Forgive me if I've missed a subtle underlying point, but without a proper distinction this line of reasoning can play into the hands of pseudo-science.

    Clearly no proponent of ID to date has demonstrated how ID is falsifiable, at least none that I am aware of. In that regard it is not in the realm of science and should not be called such.

    I am certainly not intending to lecture you about science as you are clearly a skilled scientist. But I think we can distinguish between good scientific ideas and bad ones, using certain criteria and in this case without a method to falsify it ID could not even be called a bad scientific idea.

    If they want to call it an art or discipline or technique fine, Astrologers can do the same.

  8. Hi JG, while I certainly do think that falsifiability matters, as my comments should make clear, I don't think that debates about the term "science" are worthwhile in the context of critiques of ID. For my part, I don't think that ID has spawned any good science at all, and I think that most of the work of ID propagandists is in fact anti-science. But I'm also not convinced that falsifiability is utterly indispensable in bestowing the label of science, and I don't think that merely labeling ID as "not science" does any useful work.

    Note that I don't suggest that ID really is science. I just think that the science vs. non-science game is unhelpful.

  9. Regaqrding the issue of wether it is helpful to talk about the Sceintific credentials of Intelligent Design, I'll bring up two points.

    1 - In a way, it plays into the hands of the promoters of ID by shifting the burden of proof from them to us. If we simply stick to the subject of their hypothesis, without regard to definitions of science, it is clear that ID must make a positive case for the Designer. It isn't up to us to make a negative case for it, only to point out the lack of evidence.
    If, however we become engaged in the 'what is science' debate, the burden shifts in our direction, to try and find a demarcation that clearly rules out ID as science.

    2 - It is however, extremely important to define ID out of science for legal reasons, and those on the front lines of the science-in-public-schools war must make use of it to show clearly how ID is a religious concept rather than a scientific one. Again, that argument requires more effort and time, and isn't at all necessary to debunk ID, but people like Barbara Forrest and Ken Miller use it regularly in front of school boards and Judges to devastating effect.

  10. I have always wondered were Meyer stands on this issue. He definitely isn't a YEC, that's for sure.

    But unlike everyone else in the ID camp, Meyer never seems to comment on the issue of common descent. People like Paul Nelson or Johnathan Wells are pretty straightforward; they reject it. So does Casey Luskin, a staff worker at the Discovery Institute:

    He clearly disagrees with Francis Collins on this one, while folks like Michael Behe support common descent as a fact. What it is that Meyer believes is far less clear, but it would be interesting to know.

    Let me check the index of his book...
