I used PubMed, the standard online (free) database of the biomedical literature, to search for various terms during different time frames. I limited the searches to articles written in English. In each graph, the vertical axis indicates number of unique scientific articles containing the phrase, and the horizontal axis indicates publication date, in five-year intervals. First, let's see how often we find the phrase 'junk DNA' and the related phrase 'selfish DNA.'

- Neither phrase appears at all before 1970, and the phrase 'selfish DNA' doesn't appear till 1980.
- The use of both terms has steadily increased over time.
- The terms are extremely rare in the scientific literature. Total number of uses of 'junk DNA' in the past 40 years: 73.
How much research has been focused on satellite DNA? Here's the graph:

You might have noticed that satellite DNA research seems to have peaked in the early 90's, and fallen off since. What's up with that? Heh. As methods for analysis of DNA and genomes improved, biologists recognized that satellite DNA could be categorized into two broad types: minisatellites and microsatellites. The technical differences don't concern us, but I think this graph will make it clear why the term 'satellite DNA' has become less prominent in the biomedical literature:

Recapping so far – total numbers of articles, to date, using these phrases:
Junk DNA | 73 |
Satellite DNA | 4214 |
Minisatellite | 2972 |
Microsatellite | 25,582 |
What about introns? Those are the pieces of DNA interspersed in most genes (of organisms other than bacteria), pieces which are chopped out of the message before it's translated into protein. They're non-coding DNA, and therefore "junk" according to our creationist pundits. Question: how did research on introns fare during those 30 dark years of neglect?

Had enough? We could analyze research on ERVs, LINEs, SINEs, centromeres, telomeres... but I think it's clear enough that the fable about the evil Darwinists who killed an entire area of research, and with it countless victims of colon cancer and diabetes, is just a damned lie.
If you're just a Christian who's been reading this stuff, stop spreading the disease, and either give up the pointless opposition to common descent or find more respectable ways to defend your position.
If you're a Christian who's been writing this stuff, apologize, purge, re-orient, and maybe re-think. Your folk science is toxic, and our faith doesn't need "help" like that.