Thanks to all for reading and commenting. (I think I'll do better at responding to comments when my schedule calms down.) I'm especially thankful to Steve Martin at An Evangelical Dialogue on Evolution for being the first to find me and welcome me to the blogosphere. John Farrell was an early encouragement, and Panda's Thumb linked to one of my first journal club articles. The high point was the teosinte article, which was linked at ERV, Pharyngula and PT and which was honored with a place in The Open Laboratory 2007. The blog has about 240 subscribers and gets roughly 100 hits a day. Room to grow, but it's nice to have enthusiastic readers.
To Mike Beidler: thanks for the compliment; it's my favorite link in the one-year life of the project. To Gordon Glover: keep up the fantastic work; your book is a precious gift.
Here's to Year 2 of Quintessence of Dust. More journal clubs, more developmental biology, a little less bitching about lame creationist claptrap. Or your money back.
Congrats Steve. You've set the bar for Christians in the field of science. Thanks from all of us Christians interested in science.
Happy Blogiversary, Steve! Looking forward to more posts. (It was a Siris post of 9/5/07 that first led me to your blog.)
Congratulations, Steve! You've done an amazing job in such a short period of time. The quality of your posts certainly do not betray the fact that you're so new to the blogosphere.
As you well know, you've also been an outstanding help to me. Heck, you've inspired me to go back to school (after my retirement from the military, that is) and take a few biology courses just for fun! Do you conduct DL courses at Calvin?
And thanks for the HT. =)
Congratulations! Keep on blogging - we want more!!!
Steve, I refer folks to your site all the time. Thanks for breaking down the science of evolution for laypersons. And thanks for supporting my small contribution to the effort!
Steve, I refer folks to your site all the time. Thanks for breaking down the science of evolution for laypersons. And thanks for supporting my small contribution to the effort!
Happy Blogiversary, and may there be many more to come! You do a splendid job here of bringing real biology to us in the masses, finding a way to make things clear without dumbing them down (something we need lots of).
I could have sworn that I came across you through John Farrell; but checking the dates John must be right, and it was really the reverse. So I must have come across you through Steve Martin's first post, which was two days before my first link.
I don't remember to stop by as often as i should, but i always enjoy the visit when i do. Congratulations on your first year, and look forward to seeing the content continuing into the future.
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