20 April 2008

Now this is a documentary you don't want to miss!

Via John Farrell.


Ben said...

As funny as this video may be from one perspective, it's still in bad taste. It's going to be immediately classified "name calling." And while "ignorant fool" may be technically accurate, it in no way advances the discussion. The scientific community needs to stop playing solely off of it's argument from authority regardless of how cheap and easy the "folk science" tactics of the creationist community are. It's important for them to tell the public that evolution is more than just a hypothesis and that more than just atheists believe it is true, but they need to do a bit more than that and connect people to why they know they are correct about it. Otherwise things quickly fall into that "word of man vs. word of God" dichotomy and we know who wins that war in Joe schmo's mind. Of course the flip side of that is the difficulty in breaking down the presentation into something that is informative, accurate, not too lengthy, and not over people's heads. We can't cram a scientific education onto a billboard as easily as they can say "Not fair!" The scientific community needs to get over the emotionalism of confidence and they need to minister specifically to the needs of the public that has been conditioned to hear all the wrong things. It's understandable why they cheap out, but it's not going to get the job done, imo.

Jim Lemire said...

I disagree - it's perfect satire

Rachel said...

Hey Steve,
I know you're on sabbatical but are you around GR at all? I'm helping to put together a video for the nursing pinning ceremony...we're taking a dummy from the nursing lab sort of re-creating our four(or five) years of Calvin (all our pre-nursing and nursing classes) and we have professors doing short monologues and inserting as many inside jokes as possible. So if you're around and you'd like to help, we're filming it on Wednesday. It's advising break, so we could just pop inside an empty classroom, make some jokes about sex and mitosis...or whatever. But if you don't want to that's ok too. Can you shoot me an e-mail at rmv5? Thanks. :)

Rachel said...

P.S. Great video! I had to google "Expelled" to get the joke. It's a perfect video for your blog...creationist bashing and sex. ;) All the back-and-forth videos on YouTube might ruin "Bad to the Bone" for me, though.

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Anonymous said...


Oh, I am so the laughing. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you thank you.

(The problem with a lot of the ID-bashing that goes on is that it soon becomes spittle-flecked mania. This, although not subtle, avoids that trap nicely. And I like George Thorogood)

Anonymous said...

This video wasn't made to "advance" the discussion - it was made to be FUNNY for those of us who prefer science to myths for explanations about how our world works.

Anonymous said...

"I can sum it all up in three words: Evolution is a lie." (http://www.fstdt.com/)

GumbyTheCat said...

Your blog is excellent, I'm glad I found it. Thanks.